Android shows pending app download
· SOLUTIONS: how to fix download pending on play store Samsung/Android /Play store stuck on downloading/play store stuck on waiting for download/play store. Playstore can't download apps. Displays: waiting for download for ages. At times it displays downloading for ages. I tried all possible processes such as Clearing of all Cache data, play store data, removing apps on special permissions on Draw over apps, resetting wifi, bluetooth settings and rebooting of system. No app is installed in SD card. · Play Store showing download pending when you try to download apps from Play Store? Well, this could be because of a recent change in the way Play Store handles downloads OR maybe it’s just that your Play Store is stuck.
AlarmClock; BlockedNumberContract; bltadwin.rudNumbers; Browser; CalendarContract; bltadwin.ruees; bltadwin.ruarAlerts. If any downloads are pending, tap the "Update all" button to update the apps If an app download appears to be stuck, tap the X to stop the download. Restart your phone. Get automatic notifications the moment your packages are delivered with our easy-to-use mobile app. Use the Parcel Pending Mobile app to: Register for Parcel Pending. - Add/update occupants. - Add/edit payment information. - Change your access PIN. - Set or cancel an upcoming vacation. - Get real-time alerts when your packages are delivered.
1) Stop current / pending downloads in Google Play Store. 2) Disable Google App. 3) Clear cache / data for Google Play Store. 4) Restart device (for good measure) 5) Resume updating apps (once they show up again in the store, downloading a new app may trigger this) 6) Re-enable Google app (I was able to do this without recreating the problem. I can't update or download any app on it because every app says 'download pending.' anyone have a solution? If you havn't solved this yet or for anyone else. I had to go into the play store setting on the app and disable "ask for pin for purchases". Connecting to wifi may help too. I just factory reset my watch and it fixed this issue. If the previous steps didn't fix the problem, and you're still seeing apps pending or stuck downloading, you can reset the Microsoft Store app using the Settings app. Open Settings. Click on Apps.